On Sept. 11, the Environmental Working Group, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the Breast Cancer Fund, will host an upcoming discussion regarding how minimal exposure to the toxic chemicals found in our everyday products/environment can have a serious effect on our health over time. The founder of Healthy Child, Healthy World will also be there, presenting ways to reduce your child's exposure to toxic chemicals.
If you know anyone in the LA area with kids or anyone interested in the importance of going green, please pass the below along and be sure to RSVP to guarantee your space. It should be an interesting discussion.
Toxic chemicals contaminate every American's body and have been linked to serious health affects like cancer, reproductive problems and learning disabilities. Join us as we expose the hidden dangers of chemicals found in our everyday environment and common products, and focus on what we can do to change this moving forward.
If you know anyone in the LA area with kids or anyone interested in the importance of going green, please pass the below along and be sure to RSVP to guarantee your space. It should be an interesting discussion.
Toxic chemicals contaminate every American's body and have been linked to serious health affects like cancer, reproductive problems and learning disabilities. Join us as we expose the hidden dangers of chemicals found in our everyday environment and common products, and focus on what we can do to change this moving forward.
What: What's Going On? A presentation and discussion on the toxic chemicals in our toys, cosmetics and in our bodies (RSVP »)
When: Thursday, the 11th of September, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Louis Room, Bullocks Wilshire Building, Southwestern Law School3050 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles (directions »)
Who: The Environmental Working Group will discuss the 287 chemicals found in the blood of 10 special people in a multimedia presentation called "10 Americans." Stacy Malkan of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and author of Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry will read an excerpt from her book about toxic chemicals in personal care products. Christopher Gavigan, author of Healthy Child Healthy World and Executive Director of the non-profit of the same name, will provide simple steps everyone can take to reduce children's exposure to toxic chemicals.
Free and open to the community. Refreshments will be served and local companies that have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics will be on hand with personal care product samples.
RSVP to guarantee your space »
RSVP to guarantee your space »