I'm in La La Love
About a year ago, a friend turned me on to Rue La La, an exclusive, invite-only online shopping experience. Only available to members, emails are sent daily with links to the latest online "boutique" - each more fabulous than the next. Forget the end-of-season blowout sales, this is way better.
Cynthia Vincent one day. Dior the next. Nanette Lepore, La Perla and Cole Haan. Everything from accessories, to handbags to suits and dresses are marked down, usually more than 50 percent off retail. AND once you're in, if you refer a friend and they sign up, you receive a discount off your future purchases.
You should join. Seriously. It's as good as it sounds. Here's a special invitation link exclusively for WOS readers: http://www.ruelala.com/invite/westsepulveda